What Are the Most Common Types of Elder Abuse in California?
Elderly people are more vulnerable to abuse because they may be weak and unable to protect themselves. They may depend on others for help with daily activities, like bathing, eating, or taking medications. They also may not understand the consequences of their decisions or have difficulty speaking up for themselves. This makes them especially vulnerable to being taken advantage of by those who want to hurt them. Scrupulous individuals often take advantage of these weaknesses by committing:
Physical Abuse
This encompasses actual physical harm or even threats of physical harm, such as hitting, pushing, slapping, pinching, force-feeding or any type of restraining that causes pain and distress.
Emotional Abuse
This includes verbal assault like insults and belittling language as well as anything that results in humiliation or fear.
Psychological Abuse
This involves behaviors intended to scare the elderly person into submission by manipulating their thoughts through intimidation tactics and other methods meant to break down a person’s spirit over time.
Financial Exploitation
Exploiting the vulnerability of elderly individuals for personal financial gain is regrettably widespread, with unscrupulous individuals seeking to exploit the lack of understanding and awareness among vulnerable seniors. This exploitation often takes the form of deceiving seniors into signing contracts or agreements related to investments or other financial matters that they may not fully comprehend.
Neglect occurs when an individual fails in his/her duty of care for an elderly individual. This can occur when a senior's basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and medical attention are neglected. This can be very dangerous if left unaddressed for long periods of time.
Sexual Abuse
Any sort of sexual contact against the will of the elder constitutes sexual abuse.
At Christopher C. Vader, PC, we specialize in elder abuse law and provide dedicated legal representation for cases involving the mistreatment of the elderly. Our dedicated team of lawyers for elderly neglect understands the profound impact that elder abuse can have on seniors and their families. With a focus on Palm Springs and serving clients throughout California, we are committed to helping victims seek justice and recover compensation for the damages or losses incurred as a result of their loved one's mistreatment. With our aggressive approach, we will tirelessly fight to hold those responsible accountable for their actions and ensure that justice is served.