Two of the defining characteristics of inebriated individuals are impaired judgment and significantly slowed response times. But it is not only inebriated drivers who are impaired. In fact, numerous studies support the idea that texting while driving is at least as dangerous, if not more dangerous than drunk driving.
Commitment to Your Cause
We understand that no amount of money can entirely make up for the anguish of being a victim of a drunk driving car accident. However, we are dedicated to helping you recover the maximum amount of financial compensation permitted by law. After the physical and emotional trauma you have experienced, we are prepared to do everything in our power to help you. Impaired drivers can be held accountable via several different means, which may include:
- Criminal litigation: Brings about legal justice for the drunk driver responsible, but does not provide reparations to the victim
- Civil litigation: Allows for financial compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering
- Punitive damages: If the driver was legally intoxicated (BAC level of .08 or higher), punitive damages allow for a significantly larger amount of compensation to be received to further compensate you and punish the culprit